CSO - CAMS Satellite Operator ============================= Version tags ------------ See "History" chapter in documentation for overview of versions. Detailled changes per version are listed below. v2.1 ---- Updated documentation. doc/source/documentation.rst doc/source/s5p-so2.rst Improved MPI data type selection. oper/src/cso_comm.F90 oper/src/cso_ncfile.F90 Properly count user defined variables. oper/src/cso_pixels.F90 Fixed deallocation. oper/src/cso_sat.F90 Only setup exchange between domains if needed. oper/src/cso_sat.F90 Optional limit output variables to selection. oper/src/cso_sat.F90 Trap non-existing or empty listing files when creating catalogue of converted data. py/cso_catalogue.py Updated documentation of special conversions. py/cso_s5p.py Templates for S5p/CO product. doc/samples/S5p_OFFL_L2__CO____*.txt py/cso_s5p.py Processing of NO2 superobservations provided by KNMI. doc/source/figs/NO2_superobs doc/source/index.rst doc/source/obsoper.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_s5p_superobs.rst doc/source/s5p-no2-superobs.rst py/cso.py py/cso_s5p.py py/cso_s5p_superobs.py Support timeseries with different resolution. py/cso_catalogue.py py/cso_index.py Updated documentation. doc/source/s5p-no2.rst doc/README.md Read data on root, scatter to processes. oper/src/cso_comm.F90 oper/src/cso_domains.F90 oper/src/cso_ncfile.F90 oper/src/cso_pixels.F90 oper/src/cso_sat.F90 Create gridded averages using mapping functions similar as used in observation operator. py/cso_gridded.py py/cso_mapping.py py/cso_constants.py doc/source/gridding.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_mapping.rst doc/source/pymods.rst Add time dimension to gridded averages to allow temporal averaging. py/cso_gridded.py When mapping footprints to grid cells, split triangles into 2 new triangles based on the longest edge py/cso_mapping.py Retry reading of S5p data, sometimes fails for unknown reason. py/cso_s5p.py Added class to create plot of S5p versions downloaded from SciHub. py/cso_scihub.py Support processing of S5p/NO2 data from PAL. py/cso_pal.py Changed S5p conversion class to download files while converting. Eventually downloaded files are removed after conversion. py/cso_s5p.py py/cso_scihub.py Aggregation over regions. py/cso_regions.py data/country-codes*.csv doc/source/pymod-cso_regions.rst doc/source/pymods.rst doc/source/gridding.rst Support for S5p/Glyoxal product. config/ESA-S5p/cso-s5p-glyox.rc doc/source/s5p-glyoxal.rst doc/source/figs/GLYOX/ doc/samples/S5P_OFFL_L2__CHOCHO___20200601T001519_20200601T015649_13643_01_010000_20210128.txt doc/source/index.rst v2.2 ---- Support batch job for Sun Grid Engine. py/utopya_jobscript.py py/utopya_jobtree.py Improved inquire tasks for SciHub and PAL portals. py/cso_scihub.py py/cso_pal.py py/cso.py py/cso_inquire.py doc/source/pymod-cso_inquire.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_pal.rst Updated documentations for inquire tasks. doc/source/tutorial.rst doc/source/s5p-so2.rst doc/source/s5p-no2.rst doc/source/s5p-hcho.rst config/tutorial/tutorial.rc Support computation of grid cell areas for 2D arrays. py/cso_mapping.py Added class to create super-observations. py/cso_superobs.py py/cso.py doc/source/pymod-cso_superobs.rst doc/source/pymods.rst Specify output file template for catalogue figures rather than output directory. Support steps over year when plotting series of gridded observations. py/cso_catalogue.py Write files with packing and compression. py/cso_file.py py/cso_s5p.py oper/src/ Added class to create temporal means of gridded averages. py/cso_gridded.py doc/source/gridding.rst Read Timestamp object from rcfile settings. py/rc.py Support index timeseries over years. py/utopya_index.py Updated product description of S5p/Glyoxal. doc/source/s5p-glyoxal.rst Updated template settings. config/tutorial/tutorial.rc Added tools to collect and plot time series of co-located pixel averages. py/cso_colocate.py py/cso.py py/cso_mapping.py doc/source/index.rst doc/source/colocate.rst doc/source/pymods.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_colocate.rst doc/source/documentation.rst Create output directory if necessary. py/cso_inquire.py Trap errors from plotting coastlines and country borders. py/cso_plot.py Updated user guide. doc/source/figs/footprints_nc4_levels_and_area.png doc/source/obsoper.rst Added option to plot specific layer of gridded averages. Adhoc fix to trap nans in some files. py/cso_catalogue.py Support packed output for gridded averages. py/cso_gridded.py Updated documentation. py/cso.py Removed depricated DHUS downloads. py/cso_scihub.py Define environment variable CSO_PREFIX. bin/cso Use environment variable for installation prefix, use own filename for settings. config/tutorial/tutorial.rc Changes for v2.2 ---------------- Option to create gridded fields from orbit files in listing. py/cso_gridded.py py/cso_file.py config/tutorial/tutorial.rc Changes for v2.3 ---------------- Added collection level to inquire overview plots. py/cso_inquire.py Convert selected orbit files based on selection query. py/cso_s5p.py Synchronized template settings for Copernicus S5P products. config/Copernicus/ Updated User guide. doc/source/ v2.4 ---- Added 'black' target to Makefile, including convention for maximum line length. Reformatted files following new convention. Makefile py/* v2.5 ---- Fixed definition of CSO_PREFIX environment variable. bin/cso Updated tutorial. config/tutorial/tutorial.rc doc/source/tutorial.rst Define lon/lat axes of gridded output as floats. py/cso_gridded.py Use pandas concat to combine dataframes. py/cso_pal.py Replaced `where` concstructs by loops after memory errors in output filling. oper/src/cso_ncfile.F90 Check on `pix_all` value to know if pixels are assigned to any of the sub-domains. src/tutorial_oper_S5p.F90 Migration from Copernicus SciHub to DataSpace. bin/dhusget.sh doc/source/* py/* config/* Patch 2.5.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixed bug in S5P orbit selection. py/cso_s5p.py v2.6 ---- Support SO2-COBRA product from PAL website. v2.7 ---- Fixed averaging over time values when creating super-observations. py/cso_superobs.py Improved output of packed variables. Support files with "sample" coordinate instead of "pixel". oper/ Use cartopy for map plots. py/cso_plot.py py/cso_catalogue.py Support orbits that overlap with dateline. py/cso_s5p.py py/cso_gridded.py py/cso_superobs.py v2.7 ---- Removed support for NO2-superobs, now create these using own classes. py/cso_s5p_superobs.py py/cso.py config/EMEP/emep-tropomi-superobs.rc doc/source/index.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_s5p_superobs.rst doc/source/s5p-no2-superobs.rst Removed depricated references to S5p-Hub. doc/source py/ Removed whitespace from lines for easier comparison with other versions. py/ Synchronized layout with CSO public version for easier synchronization. Synchronized change logs in source files between master and development versions. py/ v2.7.1 ~~~~~~ Fixed creation of super-observations on local domain. py/cso_superobs.py v2.7.2 ~~~~~~ Updated url of DataSpace OpenSearch API. v2.8 ---- Improved submission of parallel jobs. py/utopya_jobtree.py Added "CSO_S5p_Download" class to only download S5p files without conversion. py/cso_s5p.py config/Copernicus/cso.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-co.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-hcho.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-no2.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-so2-cobra.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-so2.rc Define environment variable 'CSO_RCFILE' for use in settings. bin/cso Updated re-try settings for downloads based on latest experiences. Trap download errors. py/cso_dataspace.py Support creation of multiple gridded output files. py/cso_gridded.py Updated plotting features. py/cso_inquire.py py/cso_plot.py Improved plotting of maps and timeseries per country. Support box-plot timeseries to show variation over region. py/cso_regions.py Added tools to make working copy of scripts and settings. py/utopya_build.py v2.9 ---- Updated links to Sentinel documents. doc/surc/s5p-*.rst Initial support for O3 profiles. py/cso_s5p.py config/Copernicus/cso.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-o3.rc doc/source/documentation.rst doc/source/index.rst doc/source/s5p-o3.rst doc/samples/S5P_RPRO_L2__O3__PR_20180601T002121_20180601T020251_03272_03_020400_20230224T110239.txt doc/source/figs/O3-PR/Copernicus_S5p_O3-PR.png v2.9.1 ~~~~~~ Increase waiting time after failed download. py/cso_dataspace.py Show extra info on pixel selection. py/cso_s5p.py Support colormaps from cmcrameri package. py/cso_plot.py Start jobtree with 'copy' job to install scripts and settings in work directory. bin/cso config/Copernicus/cso.rc doc/source/tutorial.rst Updated ItemSearch following deprication warning. py/cso_pal.py Minor fixes for processing S5P HCHO and CHOCHO products. py/cso_s5p.py v2.9.2 ~~~~~~ Configurations for TROPOMI O3-profile and O3-column data. py/cso_s5p.py config/Copernicus/cso.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-o3-col.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-o3-pr.rc doc/source/s5p-o3.rst doc/samples/S5P_RPRO_L2__O3_____20200101T055716_20200101T073846_11490_03_020401_20221019T171546.txt v2.9.3 ~~~~~~ Updated code and settings for latest PAL downloads. py/cso_pal.py config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-so2-cobra.rc config/Copernicus/cso-s5p-chocho.rc doc/source/s5p-chocho.rst v2.9.4 ~~~~~~ Skip test collections "90" etc in inquire plot. py/cso_inquire.py Inquire Dataspace per month after change in allowed maximum number of records. Sort listing files by processing and processor version. py/cso_dataspace.py v2.9.5 ~~~~~~ Changed size calculation after deprication warning. py/cso_superobs.py py/cso_colocate.py v2.9.6 ~~~~~~ Changed insert of new columns to dataframe after efficiency warning. py/cso_superobs.py v2.9.7 ~~~~~~ Increased maximum number of records and introduced sort order to avoid that search request return a different result when repeated. py/cso_dataspace.py v2.10 ----- Support inquiry and use of ColHub mirror archive. py/cso_colhub.py py/cso_file.py py/cso_s5p.py py/cso.py v2.11 ----- Support scanning of multiple archive directories. py/cso_colhub.py Improved re-try loop when downloading from PAL. py/cso_pal.py Support user defined directory creation mode. py/cso_file.py py/cso_colhub.py py/cso_dataspace.py py/cso_s5p.py Support inquiry and download from NASA EarthData. py/cso_earthaccess.py py/cso.py py/cso_inquire.py doc/source/pymods.rst doc/source/pymod-cso_earthaccess.rst doc/source/portals.rst